Paluzawa Coal Mine
Tun Thwin Mining utilizes the advanced technology to minimize long-term environmental impact and facilitate environmental rehabilitation, when extracting high calorific coal from the Kalewa Basin.
Tun Thwin Mining operates a major coal mine which covers an area of 4500 acres in the Kalewa area, approximately 200 miles North West of Mandalay.
Producing more than 100,000 tons of coal per year, Tun Thwin Mining is a primary contributors to the economic success of Kalewa and Sagaing Kalewa.
Through the use of state of the art technology, Tun Thwin has secured itself a reputation as a leader in the coal industry of Myanmar.
Name: Paluzawa (pronounced Pa-Lu-Za-Wa)
Location: Kalewa, Sagaing Region (North West of Myanmar)
Mine Area: 4500 acre (18.22 sq km) -
Type of Coal: sub-bituminous to bituminous
Type of Mining: Open-cut and underground
Ore Reserve: 100 million tons (estimated)


Location: Phalen Township, Hakha Ragion, Chin State.
Chromium content (22% to 30%)

Kalay Cement Plant

Location                  : Indinggyi Village, Kalay Township, Sagaing
                                Division, Myanmar.

Limestone Quality:     CaO   = 53%
                               MgO    = 0.62%
                               SiO2    = 1.12%


Kalewa Coal Fired Thermal Power Plant Project
Kalewa Coal Fired Thermal Power Plant (600MW)

Welcome Joint Venture Participants.
Locaton               : Kalewa, Sagaing Region (located near Paluzawa coal mine)
Installed Capacity: 540mw
Status  : Under Planning

Nam Tabak Hydropower Development Project

Jointly cooperated with China Guodian Corporation.
Location              : South East of Myitkyinar, Kachine State
Installed Capacity: 300mw
Status  : Under Planning